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Social Security Services

For some, Social Security and Social Security benefits can be confusing. Social Security retirement benefits and spousal Social Security benefits provide lifetime, inflation-adjusted income. Combined with your retirement savings, plus any pension benefits you may receive, Social Security serves as an important component of your overall plan for retirement income.
- Do you have Social Security questions?
- Are your Social Security earnings aligned with your retirement goals?
- Have you thought about how long you may live in retirement?
- Have you considered how many years you might spend in retirement?
- Do you have enough to retire? Can you afford to wait?
- Does your spouse have Social Security benefits?
- Do you understand the Social Security death benefits?
While we can't know for certain, you should consider how life expectancy has increased in the decades since Social Security began.The opportunity to receive a higher monthly income helps explain why proper retirement planning is important. It also points out why a well designed retirement income plan shouldn't overlook how to maximize Social Security benefits.
AMERICAN WEALTH ADVISERS is here to assist you in crafting a sound financial retirement claiming strategy based upon your unique life circumstances.